Write PHP script that will display grade based on criteria given below using the marks obtained in T.Y.Bsc. Examination.
a. Distinction (70 and above)
b. First Class (60 - 69)
c. Pass (40 - 59)
d. Fail (below 40)
b. First Class (60 - 69)
c. Pass (40 - 59)
d. Fail (below 40)
Code :-
echo "Physics Mark is $phy<br>";
echo "Chemistry Mark is $chem<br>";
echo "Mathematics Mark is $math<br>";
echo "Total is $total, Percentage is $per<br>";
echo "Congratulation";
echo "<br>You get Distinction";
else if($per>=60)
echo "First Class";
else if($per>=40)
echo "Pass Class";
echo "You Are Fail";