
Write a C++ program to demonstrate CLASS TEMPLATE.

Write a C++ program to demonstrate CLASS TEMPLATE.  

Code :-
/********************************************************** Program Name - Program for CLASS TEMPLATE **********************************************************/ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> template<class T> class sum { T a,b,c; public: void getdata(); void addition(); }; template<class T> void sum<T> :: getdata() { cin>>a>>b; } template<class T> void sum<T> :: addition() { c=a+b; cout<<"\nAddition of two numbers "<<a<<" & "<<b<< " is "<<c<<"\n"; } void main() { clrscr(); sum<int> p; sum<float> q; cout<<"\nEnter any two integer numbers :- "; p.getdata(); p.addition(); cout<<"\nEnter any two float numbers :- "; q.getdata(); q.addition(); getch(); } /*************************************************** OUT PUT Enter any two integer numbers :- 22 78 Addition of two numbers 22 & 78 is 100 Enter any two float numbers :- 22.50 77.50 Addition of two numbers 22.5 & 77.5 is 100 *****************************************************/
Output :-

Enter any two integer numbers :- 22 78 Addition of two numbers 22 & 78 is 100 Enter any two float numbers :- 22.50 77.50 Addition of two numbers 22.5 & 77.5 is 100